Fabric Row
In the social scene of Philadelphia, Fabric Row has greatly grown and evolved for over a century. Although change has continually made its way through Fabric Row, the community remains strong, thriving, and highly admired. As an agent of change, representing both the past and the present is essential because without the beautiful past of Fabric Row, no change would have been enacted to make the vibrant street what it is today. Creating change is important to me because with the addition of modern structures to communities, the historic aspects that remain and the history that still speaks are highlighted. Celebrating changes that complement the past are of immense value to me. Emily Stanker B. Architecture '26 Listening to Enter Sandman by Metallica |
Concept and Color
Casa Larrain, located in Los Vilos, Chile and designed by the female, chilean architect Cecilia Puga, deeply affected my abstract project. The location and design decisions fused nature and human interaction as one. The keywords in my project were focus, play, and modularity. Creating change in the industry and the communities that architecture affects is very important to me because of how I saw low-income families being treated in my county. The options were limited and not enough resources were being allocated to the families and communities that needed them. Leila Moutawakil B. Architecture '26 |
Callowhill Collage
A big part of the Callowhill neighborhood is the renovated Rail Park that began in 2018. The park provides a new space that people from all over Philly can utilize; it allows the community to come together and enjoy the beauty of the park. The Rail Park already impacts the lives of the community; with their multiple service projects and neighborhood activities, the people that visit get to experience different things each time. I think change is an essential part of growing up; without it, how will you ever find your true potential? Everyone enjoys their comfort zone, me especially, but recently I've made some pretty big changes in my life and I can say, without a doubt, that those changes have already impacted my life and mental health for the better. Change is hard for everyone, but I think is beneficial for our lives. Rayna Schloo B. Architecture '26 |